Producing material for use by people learning to ring and by those training others has always been an important part of the committee’s work
Historical publications include:
The Beginners Handbook, Teaching from Rounds to Bob Doubles, Doubles and Minor for Beginners, and Triples and Major for Beginners.
Recent publications include:
- Judging Striking Competitions — a new (2013) book by Simon Linford
- The New Ringer’s Book — extended and modernised version of The Beginners Handbook ** BESTSELLER **
- Teaching Tips — With many illustrations in full colour, including sections on Teaching Skills, Coaching Tips, Initial Bell Handling, Problem Solving Tables and Learners’ Early Practices from Call Changes through Plain Hunt to Bob Doubles
- The Tower Handbook — a comprehensive but easy-to-dip-into reference about anything to do with ringing
- Listen to Ringing and Listen to Ringing — Live — CDs to develop ringers’ listening skills
- Learning Methods — a structured approach to help learn new methods thoroughly
- A Tutor’s Handbook (revision)
- Bellhandling — a Tutor’s Companion (DVD/tape)
- Organising an Outing — practical advice for a popular activity.
- The Learning Curve Volume 1 (1999 — 2001) — a compendium of the first 30 of the regular articles.
- The Learning Curve Volume 2 (2002 — 2003) — a continuation of the above, comprising a further 24 articles.
- The Learning Curve Volume 3 (2004 — 2005) — a sequel to the first two volumes.
- The Learning Curve Volume 4 (2006 — 2007) — the final 24 articles of the series.
- Splicing Bell Ropes Illustrated — a detailed guide, fully illustrated in colour.
- Kaleidoscope Ringing — an alternative approach to developing method ringing skills.
- Getting it Right — guidelines for officers of ringing societies.
- Teaching Unravelled — a book about teaching ringers that draws on the results of research into how people learn.
All Education Committee publications are available from Central Council Publications. For prices and ordering information, see price list.
If you feel there is a need for a book or other resource, not currently available, please contact the Committee Chairman.