5th March 2016


Selected discontinued and currently available publications can be downloaded from the Council’s website. These are available from the Shop and information can also be found in the Bibliography.

Terms of Reference

The Publications Committee runs a small business on a charitable basis in response to broad terms of reference which requires it to take overall responsibility for the form, content and layout of Central Council publications and for marketing, sales and distribution.  In recent years income has varied between £29,000 in 2012, during which Dove 10 was published and the New Ringers Book was quite new, and £12,000 a year later when only one small new publication was produced.  It aims to generate a surplus sufficient to fund new projects.  Most of their work is done for other Council committees but they occasionally commission work or publish books sent from sources outside the Council.

They also:

  • ensure that information is available in the form of publications to further the objects of the Council, and
  • exert overall authority for the form, content and layout of publications;
    and for marketing, sales and distribution

Current publications

The publications published by the Committee and currently available can be found in the Shop and significant updates are announced in CC Publications news.

The price list is also published monthly in The Ringing World.


Committee members

John Couperthwaite (Guildford Diocesan Guild) Chairman
Philip Green (Lincoln Diocesan Guild)
Michael Hansford (Bath and Wells Diocesan Association)
Beryl Norris (Guildford Diocesan Guild)
Barbara Wheeler (Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association)
Jan Wyatt (Ladies' Guild)

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