9th May 2016

Notable Events – Coming Year

Date Day Anniv- ersary Event Event year Comment
31 May/1 Jun Tue – Wed 100 Battle of Jutland 1916
3 Jun Fri BBC Music Day Widespread ringing at 7pm. Let the BBC know you are taking part.
10-12 Jun Fri – Sun (90) Celebration for Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday 1926 Official birthday is 11 June (real birthday 21 April), see below
12 Jun Sun National birthday ringing Plan your ringing and publicity for 10 – 12 June
25 Jun Thu 60 Friends of Cathedral Music founded 1956 www.fcm.org.uk
1 Jul Fri 100 Battle of the Somme began 1916
2 Sep Fri 350 Great Fire of London began 1666
8 Sep Thu Challenge 500 Widespread ringing at 6pm – register with Heritage Open Days.
8-11 Sep Thu-Sun Heritage Open Days See Challenge 500 above:
14 Oct Fri 950 Battle of Hastings 1066
17 Oct Mon 60 Calder Hall power station opened 1956 World’s first commercial scale nuclear power station
28 Oct Fri 800 Henry III crowned 1216 Re-enactment there on the day
18 Nov Fri 100 Battle of the Somme ended 1916 One of the bloodiest in human history
25 Dec Sun 950 William the Conqueror crowned 1066
30 Dec Fri 50 First peal of 23-spliced all the work Major rung 1966
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