Here are some more suggestions of methods for the celebrations: Anniversary Caters, Anniversary Alliance Major, Anniversary Delight Major and Royal, Anniversary Surprise Major, Diamond Alliance Royal, Diamond Bob Triples, Diamond Delight Major and Royal, Diamond Treble Bob Minor, Elizabeth II Jubilee Surprise Major, Elizabeth R Surprise Royal, Jubilee Delight Minor, Jubilee Surprise Major and Maximus, Jubilee Treble Bob Minor, Jubilee Treble Place Minor, LX Surprise Major, Queen Elizabeth Treble Bob Major, Queen Elizabeth II Delight Major, Queen Elizabeth II Surprise Minor, Queen Elizabeth II Treble Place Minor, Regina Bob Major, Caters, Royal andCinques, Regina Surprise Major, Regina Treble Place Minor, Royal Jubilee Surprise Royal, Sixtieth Surprise Major, Sixty Little Bob Maximus. Clicking on any of the links on this page generates blue-line diagrams using Martin Bright’s excellent Method Printer website powered by the definitive Central Council method collections at
Several of these methods extend to higher stages. In the case of Diamond Bob, Anniversary Surprise, Jubilee Delight, Queen Elizabeth Treble Bob and Regina Surprise there is more than one possible extension and I have tried to choose the best.
Jubilee Delight
(construction DE mode-1 above the treble/ FG mode-5 below the treble)
Major 34-34.14-12-18-12-58-12-58 l.e. 12 13624857
Royal 34-34.14-12-10-12-50-12-50-12-50 l.e. 12 1362485079
Maximus 34-34.14-12-1T-12-5T-12-5T-12-5T-12-5T l.e. 12 136248507T9E
Diamond Bob
(construction DE mode-1 above the treble/ DE mode-3 below the treble)
Caters l.e. 129 q
Cinques E.145.E.3.E.3.E.3.E.123.E l.e. 12E q
Anniversary Alliance
(construction EF mode-1 above the treble/ FG mode-4 below the treble)
Maximus -5T-14.5T-5T.36-14-58-14-70-14-9T-ET l.e. 12 a
Anniversary Delight
has been rung at Major and Royal but not Maximus
(construction CD mode-1 above the treble/ DE mode-1 below the treble)
Maximus 56-56.1T-12-3T-14-5T-16-7T-18-9T-10-ET l.e. 12 b
Anniversary Surprise
(construction FG mode-1 above the treble/ HI mode-7 below the treble)
Royal -50-14.50-50.36-14- l.e. 12 a
Maximus -5T-14.5T-5T.36-14-5T. l.e. 12 a
Diamond Alliance
has already been rung at Royal but not Major or Maximus
(construction 1AB mode-1 above the treble/ CD mode-1 below the treble)
Major -38-14-56-16-34-38-78 l.e. 12 d
Maximus -3T-14-5T-16-7T-18-90-10-78-7T-ET l.e. 12 c1
Diamond Delight
has already been rung at Major and Royal but not Maximus
(construction FG mode-1 above the treble/ HI mode-7 below the treble)
Maximus -3T-14-125T-1236-14-1T. l.e. 12 d2
Diamond Surprise
(construction EF mode-1 above the treble/ EF mode-1 below the treble)
Royal 50.34-14-50-30-14-50-16-70-18-90 l.e. 12 c1
Maximus 5T.34-14-5T-3T-14-5T-16-7T-18-9T-10-ET l.e. 12 c1
Double Diamond Surprise
(construction AB mode-1 above the treble/ GH mode-1 below the treble)
Royal -56-14-78-36.1478-3470.58-34-70-56-90 l.e. 12 a
Maximus -56-14-78- l.e. 12 a
Elizabeth II Jubilee Surprise
(construction DE mode-1 above the treble/ HI mode-7 below the treble)
Royal -30-14-12-1230-14-1230. l.e. 12 c1
Maximus -3T-14-12-123T-14-123T. l.e. 12 d2
LX Surprise
(construction AB mode-1 above the treble/ CD mode-2 below the treble)
Royal -30-14-50-16-70-18-16-1270.58-56.90 l.e. 12 b
Maximus -3T-14-5T-16-7T-18-9T-10-18-129T.70-78.ET l.e. 12 b
Queen Elizabeth Treble Bob
(construction CD mode-1 above the treble/ CD mode-2 below the treble)
Royal -56-10-12-10-12-10-12-10-18-10 l.e. 12 1685234079
Maximus -56-1T-12-1T-12-1T-12-1T-12-1T-10-1T l.e. 12 178503426T9E
Regina Bob
has already been rung at Major and Royal but not Maximus
(construction BC mode-1 above the treble/ CD mode-1 below the treble)
Maximus -1T-1T-1T-1T-189T.70.ET l.e. 12 b
Regina Surprise
(construction FG mode-1 above the treble/ HI mode-7 below the treble)
Royal -30-14-1250-16-14- l.e. 12 c1
Maximus -3T-14-125T-16-14-3T. l.e. 12 d2
Sixtieth Surprise
(construction AB mode-1 above the treble/ HI mode-1 below the treble)
Royal -30-14-50-16-123470-1258.36-14.70.58-16.90 l.e. 12 b
Maximus -3T-14-5T-16-12347T-1258.36.9T.14.70.58-16.9T.70-18.ET l.e. 12 b
Elizabeth R Surprise
(construction AB mode-1 above the treble/ CD mode-6 below the treble)
Maximus -3T-14-5T-16-7T-18-129T-10-34-345T-16-ET l.e. 12 b