31st January 2017

Biographies Help

The Biographies/Prolific Peals dataset is an index to biographical and prolific peals data. The upload facility is intended to reflect current output requirements. For biographies, it is suggested that future records are entered as individual pages (using the Detail Page URL), as this allows a more flexible approach, particular where an addendum has to be made. The addenda have been uploaded for legacy records, but have not been enabled for update in this release.

Label Details
Title Title (e.g. Sir). Mr, Mrs, Miss etc should not normally be used
Forename(s) Forename(s) (preferred – or initials) separated by space
Surname Surname. This is a separate field for sorting
Honours etc Enter any honours, qualifications that should appear after the name (currently only relevant to biographical data).
Distinct ID This is used to distinguish two people with identical names in the pull down lists. It is not visible externally.
Born Date of birth, if known. Format is dd/mm/yyyy, mm/yyyy or yyyy depending on available accuracy of the date. There is no validation – 29th Feb will roll over to 1st March etc,
Deceased Date of death, if known. Format as above
Upload Biography To upload a biography (JPEG image or PDF), click on the Browse button and select a file. This must be a valid JPEG image or PDF file.
Image Ref This displays the location of any uploaded JPEG file and the associated image.
PDF Ref This displays the location of any uploaded PDF file and the associated document.
Detail Page URL As an alternative to using the JPEG or PDF images, an individual page can be created within WordPress. You will need to copy and paste in the URL for the page. It must refer to a WordPress page on the CCCBR site.
Page Number The URL is converted to and held as a WordPress page number. If the page location is changed, the index can still find the relevant page.
Clear Biography Set this to Yes, and all the biographical data will be cleared from the record. (Use this if you make a mistake – the record will no longer be visible on the Biographies page).
Upload Prolific Peals To upload prolific peals, click on the Browse button and select a file. This must be a valid PDF file.
PPR Ref This displays the location of any uploaded PDF file and the associated document.
Clear Prolific Peals Set this to Yes, and all the and all the prolific peals data will be cleared from the record. (Use this if you make a mistake – the record will no longer be visible on the Prolific Peals page).


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