Use Funny Bob Doubles before ringing the whole plain course to learn one dodge at a time. See Doubles Methods.
Use Bayles Bob Doubles for a learner who is ringing the plain course but having difficulty with one of the dodges. See Doubles Methods.
Stedman Doubles proving a huge step?
Try Stedman Quick Sixes from All Change section or Erin Doubles from Doubles Methods to develop the ringing skills required for Stedman.
Not enough support to move on to Minor?
Plain hunt on 6 and move round a rope. This will give the band practice from all the different starts which will keep them from becoming bored. It also has the advantage that the learners will be repeating the first 11 blows of Plain Bob Minor which will enable them to practise all the different beginnings of each place bell for Bob Minor.
Ring plain hunt starting at backstroke, both for variety and to develop skills needed later in certain Surprise Minor methods.
Penultimus Minor. This again is plain hunt practice but with a little more ropesight required. See Foundation Skills.
Original Minor gives more plain hunt practice but adds coping with dodges at a call and changing coursing orders. More skill is required as the treble does the work and is therefore not in a predictable position in the coursing order. See All Change section.
Need to maintain enthusiasm and motivation?
Try goal-setting. This may be for individuals or the band as a whole. It may be applied to developing skills such as listening or bellhandling or learning new techniques such as plain hunt. Any target can be used and targets of small steps are very much indicated early on in learning to ring. The Sherbourne Bell Club Awards Scheme has a personal target award badge scheme designed for children but adults may like to work towards the same targets even if they don’t want the badges! Later on goals of learning to call a touch could be used. For the whole band ringing a quarter of a method might be appropriate. Goals work best when set in partnership with the ringers and not imposed upon them.
Encourage ringers to call elementary things such as plain courses of methods.
Use positive reinforcement to praise performance.
Encourage learners to look at theory when they are not ringing. Maybe do quizzes, use worksheets, draw out blue lines, or write out 120 of a method etc.
Encourage ringers to stand behind other ringers whilst standing out.
Use a blackboard or whiteboard for explaining methods and supply paper and pens for drawing them out.