29th February 2016


What it runs on
Windows 3.1 or later

What it does
PealBook is a purpose-written relational database for keeping peal records. Ringers, towers, methods and associations are stored in the main peal file as keys pointing to other data files for efficient data storage and easy generation of league tables to find leading ringers, etc.

Libraries used
Those who have rung a Peal with the Cambridge University Guild or The ASCY, 1968 or later, may email (email) for a personalised list

What it costs
It is a free download from the web site

Where to get it and/or more information
Download from myweb.tiscali.co.uk/saddleton/
Other programs for Stedman Triples, Spliced Surprise Minor, Universal Surprise Major and Stedman Turning Courses are available from the web site

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