RISC OS emulators
These emulators are available from http://www.virtualacorn.co.uk. The PC version runs the programs well with Windows 2000 or later. They also run on Windows 98 but with restricted function.
What it runs on
Any RISC OS computer or under a RISC OS emulator running on a Mac or PC
What it does
Displays between 5 and 16 animated ringers who start in rounds and obey your ‘Calls’ which you do by clicking with your mouse between the bells whose order you want to change. Useful for beginners practising ‘ropesight’ or those starting to learn to call in the tower. A record is kept of your changes which can be saved to a file, which can be played back, or printed for later use in the tower. Supplied with a few popular changes, ‘Queens’, Tittums etc.
What it costs
1. Free to download from the web, with a PDF manual.
2. Provided free as a sample application to those who buy the VirtualAcorn CD
3. Can be supplied on PC format floppy disc for £5, (cheques payable to ‘Fortran Friends’ send to address below, all profits donated to Oxford Diocesan Guild Bell Fund)
Where to get it and/or more information
Fortran Friends, P.O.Box 64, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0TH, UK
01235 834357
Review in the ‘Ringing World’ November 1st 2002
What it runs on
Any RISC OS computer or under a RISC OS emulator running on a Mac or PC
What it does
Animates a band of from 4 to 16 bellringers ringing most common standard methods. You can simulate conducting in the tower and save the method ‘Diagram’ to a file showing the red and blue lines. Any Bobs and Singles called are saved in the diagram. You can add your own methods.
What it costs
1. Freely downloadable demo version from the website
2. Complete version for £10 on PC floppy disc, includes UK postage, add £1 for EU countries, £2 elsewhere. PDF format manuual on disc, or A5 paper printed version for an extra £5. (cheques payable to ‘Fortran Friends’ send to address below, all profits donated to Oxford Diocesan Guild Bell Fund)
Where to get it and/or more information
Fortran Friends, P.O.Box 64, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0TH, UK
01235 834357
Review in the ‘Ringing World’ November 1st 2002
What it runs on
Any RISC OS computer, e.g. Acorn A3000, A5000, RISCPC, Archimedes, Mico, Risc-Station (NB: second hand RISC-OS machines are very inexpensive.)
What it does
Strike simulates accurate repeatable striking errors and provides feedback on your ability to detect and correct them, as an aid to developing listening skills. Uses real bell sounds (4-16 bells). Used individually or by a group. Includes scores and league tables for performance.
What it costs
Strike costs £15 (most of which is a donation to bell restoration projects in Sonning Deanery).
Where to get it and/or more information
John Harrison, 2 Murdoch Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2DA, UK
0118 978 5520
What it runs on
Any RISC OS computer or under a RISC OS emulator running on a Mac or PC
What it does
Stringing rings methods from plain hunt to spliced Surprise on up to 12 bells, with synchronised striking and ‘real’ church bell sound. One bell can be rung from the keyboard or (except for the Iyonix PC and Windows PCs running Virtual Acorn) by an external sensor attached to a silenced bell or purpose-built dumbbell. Choice of screen displays includes red and blue lines. Touches can be entered in advance, or called ‘live’, and saved to a file for printing. Over 130 stored methods; others can be added.
What it costs
Stringing costs £10, of which the profits go to ringing-related charities.
Where to get it and/or more information
John Norris, The Birches, off Wickham Hill, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex BN6 9NP, UK
email: (email)
website: http://www.jrnorris.co.uk
Bells and Bell Ringing
What it runs on
Any RISC OS computer or under a RISC OS emulator running on a Mac or PC.
PC version also available.
What it does
It is a multimedia program with sound and animation designed for school children and anyone starting to learn bell ringing.
What it costs
Free but we welcome donations for bell restoration
Where to get it and/or more information
Download a copy from http://fortran.orpheusweb.co.uk/Bells/software/
Comments or corrections to Fortran Friends (email)