This day is intended to attract PR officers of ringing societies, with something for the experienced PR person as well as the less experienced (including the many of you who were probably not sure what you were getting yourself into when you volunteered!), as well as anyone else who is generally interested in promoting bellringing. The event is not exclusive to PR officers, and many ringers will want to contribute their views on how we can ‘market’ bell ringing more effectively, or you may just want to find out more about the subject.
There will be a mix of external experts, panel discussion and group work to define the key elements which make public relations a success (or a failure), and we will develop action plans to become more effective, as well as overcome any barriers we face. Sharing lots of ideas, interesting initiatives and experience is the plan, and participants will get to know, and compare notes with, other ringers facing the same issues as themselves. The cost, which includes buffet lunch and refreshments, is £18.
Please see the agenda for further details of what the day will cover.
Please apply early to avoid disappointment!
The application form can be downloaded in PDF format for manual completion and return by post, or in DOCX format for electronic completion and transmission.
Nick Elks
Caroline Stockmann
Central Council PR Committee