The on-line collection
The on-line collection currently contains over 8,000 peal compositions, and we hope to continue adding to it over time. However, we believe that there will continue to be a need for printed collections, as they remain rather handy to carry about for when something is needed at the last minute and the like.
To submit compositions for inclusion in the on-line collection please follow the same process as for submission for publication in The Ringing World. Please state explicitly whether you are submitting the composition for publication in The Ringing World, or just for inclusion in the on-line collection.
Printed collections and works in progress
Historically an important part of the Committee’s work has been overseeing the creation and publication of collections of compositions. Collections published on behalf of the Committee are generally available from the Publications Committee as long as they remain in print. Recently published collections and works in progress include the following.
- A Collection of 10 Bell Compositions (2005) and A Collection of 12+ Bell Compositions (2005), compiled by David Hull and Rod Pipe, and edited by Stuart Hutchieson. Together they form a substantial successor to the 1972 Collection of Ten & Twelve Bell Compositions. Each of the two volumes contains over six hundred compositions, dating from the 1960s up to 2000. The first volume is of individual royal methods, and the second of individual maximus methods, plus a handfull of compositions of individual methods on fourteen and sixteen. Both volumes can be purchased from the Publications Committee.
- A Collection of Grandsire Compositions (2004), compiled by Richard Allton. This contains 469 Compositions of Grandsire Doubles to Sixteen. This publication can be purchased from the Publications Committee.
- A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001), compiled by Roddy Horton, is a substantial successor to several earlier editions. It contains a wider variety of compositions suitable for a broader selection of methods than earlier editions. This publication can be purchased from the Publications Committee. Corrections to several errors in this printed collection are available online.
- The Collection of Universal Treble-Dodging Major Compositions contains a wide range of compositions universally true to various combinations of false course head groups. It is essentially a successor to A Collection of Surprise Compositions (the “Wratten Collection”) published in the 1960s, though it covers a much broader range of possible falseness, includes compositions with singles and with the tenors parted, and includes a summary of some musical properties of the compositions included. This publication can be purchased from the Publications Committee.
- A Collection of Compositions of Stedman Triples and Erin Triples, compiled by Philip Saddleton. It is now out of print, but is available online. Currently it is only available as a PDF file. However, the entire contents of this collection, plus many more compositions of Stedman Triples, mostly twin bob, are included in the online collection.
- A Collection of Compositions of Spliced Surprise (1941 – 1995) compiled by Roddy Horton and now maintained by Richard Allton. It and several updates are available online. It is currently out of print.
Philip Saddleton is currently assembling a successor to the 1983 Compositions of Stedman Caters and Stedman Cinques. Details are available online. - A collection of compositions particularly suited for handbells compiled by the late Roger Bailey and others is available only online.
- Rod Pipe has prepared an annotated collection of compositions by the late Peter Border. It is currently available only online.