This is a capital fund which makes grants from the interest earned, so grants are usually small. Grants are paid only for work carried out by the main UK bell founders on bell restoration projects in countries outside the UK and Ireland. For details of the allocation criteria and administration procedures please see guidance for applicants, and the application form.
Applications for grants are invited each year in November or December by a notice in The Ringing World, notifications to ringing organisations outside the British Isles and on this website. Applications for the annual allocation of grant awards must be received by the following 31 January.
Donations to the Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund are welcome, but potential donors should be aware that the fund is a capital fund. This means that donations will be added to the capital sum and only the interest is payable in grants each year. Donors who prefer that the full donation should be used for bell restoration may prefer to donate to the Central Council Bell Restoration Fund, which also funds overseas projects.
Donations to either fund should be made via the Central Council Hon Treasurer
Further Information
For further information please contact Ian Oram via (email), 01403 269743, or by post:
The Cottage, School Hill, Warnham, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 3QN, UK
Grants Awarded
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