Quarter peals are traditionally rung by learners who progress to the point of being able to cover or to hunt the treble to Doubles. However, more imaginative use of quarter peal ringing can help lay the foundations of a sound basis for future progress. Ringing a quarter peal gives roughly 45 minutes of ringing with a strong band.
In 1. below the learner has the experience of solid rhythmic handling and striking practice, whereas in 2. the ringer is developing ropesight and learning to hunt up slowly and down more quickly, which is the basis of all change ringing. Having mastered the ropesight on four bells the move on to five bells is not too difficult.
Ideas for early quarters:
- Ringing the second covering bell to Plain Bob Minimus (6 bells)
- Ringing the treble to a Minimus method
After this the ringer can be moved on to the more traditional approach of covering or hunting the treble to Doubles.