What it runs on
PCs with Windows 9x,2000,ME,NT4.0,XP and a sound card (if you want to hear the bells). At least P100 processor recommended. CD-ROM drive or web access required for installation.
What it does
Ringing Master is a thoroughly modern & professional, touch / peal proving program. Ringing Master proves touches ‘on the fly’ (as you type). This means that the touch is proved, analyzed and the results displayed live (including lead heads), as you work on it. In reality it takes about 20 milliseconds to prove and analyze a peal of 8 spliced.
It will accept most normal touch formats. You have as much or as little control over every part of the process as you want. The flexibility built in to the normal method definition allows you define any method in any way, allowing the program to cope with oddball methods like Stedman, naturally and easily, rather than building in specific support for each method.
The user interface allows much customization along the lines of Microsoft Word. You can set up the whole interface to your own liking, produce your own menus of the functions you use regularly, even have an XP or standard look and feel.
Features include: Coloured touch entry grid system, highlighting how the touch is being interpreted & red underlining potential faults. Natural bell sounds with control over speed & quality. Method Explorer (like Windows Explorer) and powerful method database search engine. Control over the exact style of display of blue lines. Printing of touch, blue line and analysis reports. Visual notation editor that allows you to draw your method graphically, then search the database to find its name. Comprehensive analysis is displayed live.
Libraries used
Private library supplied – derived from the Central Council Library.
What it costs
Ringing Master costs £40 from the web and £45 on CD-ROM.
Updates (to version 1.xx) from the web are free, while CD-ROM updates cost £5.
Where to get it and/or more information
Send cheque made out to J Lake to: Ringing Master, 2, Red Lodge Drive, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7TT, UK. Email address (email)
For further information, and to download an evaluation copy, see http://ringingmaster.dyn-o-saur.com/ringingmaster/