9th May 2016

Tercentenary of Fabian Stedman’s death

Fabian Stedman is probably the most famous ringer and he had an enormous influence on the development of change ringing by publishing the first books on the subject. He was buried on 16th November 1713.

The Central Council encouraged all ringers to mark this anniversary by ringing on or as close as possible to Saturday 16th November 2013, and to use the event to seek as much publicity as possible for their ringing, for local bands and for ringing in general.

We made available several resources to promote this event: see Ringing and Publicity below.


After the event we reviewed how successful ringers had been, both by ringing for it and in generating publicity for it: see Stedman tercentenary ringing – how did we do?


You are encouraged to ring Stedman if possible, but if not then please ring any other method you think suitable.

If you are ringing a peal or a quarter peal there are many standard compositions available, and some of special length have been produced:

If you would like to ring a Date Touch back-dated to Stedman’s death, see:

If you want a shorter length, see:

If you know of other compositions that you think would be helpful to other ringers please send them to us so they can be added to the collection.


The Central Council will be publicising this event nationally. Please help by publicising it locally, in your parish, local community, local press, local radio, etc.

You may re-use or refer to any of the publicity material on this site, including:

Please share your plans

If you are planning to do something special for this occasion, especially if it might be of wider interest, please let us know so we can refer to it in national publicity. Contact us.

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